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Image by Rosie Fraser

2020 circular fashion pledge


LONDON - More than 60 brands across the globe have signed up to a new initiative aimed at increasing circularity by using increased percentages of recycled fibres, mono-materials, designing for durability, modularity and disassembly, implementing take-back, repair & resale operations within 2020.

Signatories recognise fashion is a significant contributor to climate change, toxic waterways and ocean pollutants, land use, and more. They know that the culture of low-cost, short-lasting clothing is contributing to tremendous waste all along the supply chain and in consumers closets.

Signatories to the 2020 circular fashion pledge are encourage to pledge to at least one of the three commitments and roll them out before the end of 2020 to help the industry transition to a more circular model and embrace a new era of fashion.



By the end of 2020, launch at least one method or partnership to enable your customers to send-back or resell their used items.



By the end of 2020, increase the total percentage of certified recycled content or scrap fabric by 10-percent in your top selling 5 items.



By the end of 2020, increase the use of non-blended materials, and/or modularity and repairability in your top 5 selling items.

The fashion pledge is to help path the way towards a cleaner, more dynamic, creative and quality-driven fashion industry.

Participants will have access to resources, guidance, connections and support to help each company achieve their commitment.

The initiative is aimed at addressing the UN Sustainable Develop Goal (SDG) 12.5, to substantially reduce waste generation by 2030.

12.5 By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse


Circular fashion pledge

UN Sustainable development goals


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