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Image by Rosie Fraser

The future of manufacturing is built with Biology!


As we take pause and look at how our businesses are going to transform, adapt and step into a new era, many of us have seen that smaller-scale, on-demand manufacturing and localised supply chains is what is desperately needed (and has been needed for some time now). Business are looking to create new value capturing partnerships as well as new future proofed material supply chains that create without depleting our natual resources along the way.

When it comes to materials, living cells and organisms can make all of the chemicals needed to produce biodegradable plastics, rubber, nylons and much more. As we search for answers and direction, can Covid-19 help accelerate our transition into bio manufacturing?

EnginZyme, who are based in stockholm, harnesses biology as a manufacturing platform in a potential trillion-dollar global market opportunity.

The company has been quietly working on a new technology that is set to revolutionize the impact that synthetic biology has on the manufacturing of everything from food ingredients to biomaterials to active pharmaceutical ingredients. 

AsJjohn Cumbers, senior contributor for Forbes put it,

"Broadly speaking, companies are starting to adopt bio-manufacturing as their preferred method of production. After all, what’s good for the environment is generally good for business (less energy, fewer resources, less chemical processing, and lower costs)."

Bio-manufacturing isn’t just about making our current materials cheaper. It is also about bringing incredible new products to market that outperform the best products that conventional chemistry can give us now. By learning from and building upon the diversity that nature has given us, we can make a better product in a better way.

Read Cumbers' full article here



Forbes article written by John Cumbers


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