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09:15 am
Morning Key Note - Changing the Ingredients
10:00 am
MYCOWORKS - Introduce for the first time in Australia Fine Mycelium® a groundbreaking, mycelium grown material that looks, feels, and even smells like leather.
MycoWorks Introduce for the first time in Australia Fine Mycelium® a groundbreaking, fungal-based biomaterial that looks, feels, and even smells like leather. Live from NYC, Fredrick Martel will talk through how their luxury materials Reishi® is made, and how their biotechnology platform can engineer mycelium to be grown-to-order and made-to-specification.
MycoWorks launched its first partnership with Hermès in early 2021 and now has contracts in place with a range of major global luxury brands. Reishi® is also the first plastic-free mycelium material commercially available on the market today.

Safia Minney MBE FRSA
Founder, Director, Fashion Declares, People Tree, Speaker, Author, Advisor/

Fredrick Martel
Senior Vice President
10:45 am
Hosted by; Jordon Turner
Creative Director, T Australia: The New York Times Style Magazine
T Australia: The New York Times Style Magazine is crafted and brought to life by Editor-in-Chief and Publisher Katarina Kroslakova, who has earned her place as one of Australia’s most experienced editors, journalists and authorities on curating luxury experiences.
The former editor of the Australian Financial Review’s Life & Leisure and Luxury magazines brings almost 20 years’ experience writing, consulting and editing for respected national publications with a vast global reach.
Her extensive magazine portfolio includes Fairfax Media, News Ltd, Pacific Magazines, Bauer Media, the ABC and Macquarie Radio Network, and she regularly features in the media, reporting on the business of lifestyle and luxury in the retail, food, fashion, arts, travel and motoring industries.
She spearheads Primary Ideas, a full-service content agency providing bespoke content creation and marketing for a multitude of luxury brands, companies and individuals across digital and print platforms. With clients such as LVMH, Maserati, M&C Saatchi and Winning group, Primary Ideas is at the forefront of style and luxury within the Australian context.
Her custom book and magazine division KK Press Pty Ltd is an agile, ambitious, business savvy and commercially conscious publishing house which places T Magazine at its core.
In Conversation with T Magazine Australia - Changing the Ingredients, Fashion's Future Receipe.

Jordon Turner
Creative Director, T Australia: The New York Times Style Magazine

Courtney Holm
Founder A.BCH

Bianca Spender
CEO Creative Director Bianca Spender

Marnie Goding
Creative Director and Co-Founder Elk

Kit Willow
CEO Creative Director at KITX

Leila Naja Hibri
CEO, Australian Fashion Council
13:00 -14:00
We should all want to know where our fibres come from, how our materials and products are made, and what their impact is on people and the planet. It is becoming essential to have real-time visibility of supply chain journeys to understand the impact of a product as it happens. This cultural shift in sustainability will make transparency a prerequisite to real impact. This panel will explore end-to-end traceability and what it takes to get sectoral adoption at scale.
Every fibre tells a story; How does fashion become Transparent?

Shannon Mercer
Chief Executive Officer at FibreTrace


Sandra Capponi
Good On You

Georgia Lloyd
Head of Supply Chain, Maggie Marilyn

NoBody Denim
14:30 - 15:45
Redefining Success: Beyond Social Responsibility
In this two part session, we welcome Gary Shaw, Kathmandu's Social Impact Manger to the stage to talk about the existing mindset, model and foundation upon which we currently conduct business and how it has proven to be illusory, unsustainable and destructive. Modern Slavery is just one of the many wider social and environmental realities that completely undermines any notion of “business as usual”. Creating an ethical sourcing policy and adopting some additional “best practices” are on their own woefully insufficient and actually increase the risk of consumer backlash, public exposure and financial loss. For those business leaders who want to remain profitable and continue to add value to the marketplace, the invitation is to question our previously taken for granted definitions of success and consider a more beneficial mindset, model and future.
Gary will then be joined by Julie Boulton who will host our Social Responsibility panel discussion
Where we will talk about what assumptions we have been making about the human element of sustainability that the pandemic and climate change has shone a light on and forced us to question these practices.
Where do we need to focus and how do we create new mindsets and business models that are based on transparency and social protection.
We ask, can scale and ethics ever exist?

Gary Shaw
Social Impact Manager
KMD Brands

Julie Boulton
Sustainability strategist at the Monash Sustainable Development Institute (MSDI)

Alice Cope
Director Pillar Two/ Global Compact

Dewi Cooke
Chief Executive Officer at The Social Studio

James Bartle
Outland Denim
Carbon Positive:
What does this actually mean and how do we transition away from off-setting carbon emissions to actually reducing them. This panel will explore a variety of perspectives on how a brand starts this journey with credibility and accountability through meaningful and measurable impact.

Kara Hurry
Entente Agency

Prof. Francois Visser
Founder / Managing Director at Carbon Friendly Pty Ltd

Edzard van der Wyck
Co-Founder Sheep Inc

Mary Lou Ryan
Co-Founder & Director Bassike

Sam Duncan
CEO & Founder
18:30 - 20:00
Key Note with Matteo De Rosa, CEO LVMH Métiers d'Art, Cocktails & Networking:
Raw to a T with T Australia: The New York Times Style Magazine & Lenzing

Jordon Turner
Creative Director, T Australia: The New York Times Style Magazine

Harold Weghorst
Global Vice President Marketing & Branding at Lenzing Group

Matteo De Rosa
CEO LVMH Métiers d'Art, Paris France