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Image by Rosie Fraser

Transformers Foundation releases:"Cotton: A Case Study In Misinformation"

Fashion has a misinformation problem. Inaccurate and outdated figures are widely shared, as is data without any context.

Transformers Foundation, a huge percentage of the industry, including Rawassembly believe that misinformation is a key reason why we aren’t moving towards positive change. It is crucial for industries and society to understand the best available data and context, so that best practices can be developed and implemented, industries can make informed choices, and farmers and other suppliers and makers can be rewarded for and incentivised to operate using more responsible practices that drive more positive impacts.

By using credible information, and learning to use information more responsibly, we can hopefully begin to move past mistrust towards actual improvements.

This is a report that everyone needs to read as we have to stop the Misinformation around Cotton, get our facts right and change the narrative.

Download the full report BELOW

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