In concordance with the digital Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven this October, the very first national conference will take place for the Netherlands on Saturday, October 24th, organised as a free-to-access event in cooperation with WHF Dutch Ambassador Petra Janssen, founder of Social Label.
Founded by Lidewij Edelkoort and Philip Fimmano, the World Hope Forum is an organisation whose main goal is to create a global platform for the exchange and expansion of knowledge, innovation of business practices, the resetting of making methods, the invention of alternative models, the rethinking of the rituals of selling, sharing and bartering – and other initiatives yet to be discovered. In this first meeting of great spirits and inspiring speakers, they invite general audiences from around the globe to join them and celebrate this WHF launch for the Netherlands. This conference will address several topics such as the climate crisis, inclusivity, waste management, cooperation, indigenous design, archeology as a source of inspiration, and the inclusion of the humanities in design. Multiple ideas about slowing down and scaling down; doing good for people and the planet alike.

PROGRAMME: (Timezone GMT+2)
10:30 Lidewij Edelkoort, World Hope Forum Manifesto
10:45 meet the WHF Ambassadors
11:00 Petra Janssen, WHF Ambassador for the Netherlands & founder of Social Label
11:30 Philip Fimmano, A Labour of Love: new design
12:00 lunch break
12:30 Rodney Lam, managing director & co-founder, Daily Paper
13:00 Pascale Gatzen, head of Practice Held in Common, ArtEZ
13:30 meet the WHF Ambassadors
13:45 short break
14:00 Bas Timmer, founder & designer, Sheltersuit
14:30 Michiel van Maren, 2020 Design Academy Eindhoven graduate
15:00 meet the WHF Ambassadors
15:15 Tord Boontje, designer & creator of Do-It-Together
16:00 approximate end
Register for the World Hope Forum Netherlands Launch Webinar HERE
Date: Saturday 24th October 2020 Time: 10:30am GMT+2 / 7:30pm AEDT / 4:30pm HKT
The World Hope Forum is a new gathering that will include climate change on its agenda as well as caring for all neglected people involved in production chains and services. Under the leadership of ambassadors chosen in participating countries, the World Hope Forum will bring together speakers and selected case studies, good practices, retail reinventions and innovative ideas that will sprout in the spring of revival. Different solutions and scenarios brought together in a global (virtual) forum once a year. Dynamic concepts and economic data will be analysed and exchanged, for all of us to learn from and to inspire our creative energies. The results will be subsequently published and open-source access will allow others to follow. Rebuilding the renaissance of society together.
The first World Hope Forum will take place in 2021.
Stay tuned for the Word Hope Forum’s 2021 date announcement!
Learn more about the World Hope Forum -
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